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Parades underway at Riverside

3 minute read

The first of the 466 lot catalogue will go through the Riverside ring next Tuesday at 10am

Sebastian Hutch.

Parades got underway at Inglis Riverside sales complex on Tuesday morning ahead of the 2021 Inglis Australian Easter Yearling Sale with the first of the 466 lot catalogue scheduled to sell at 10am next Tuesday, April 6. 

Sebastian Hutch, general manager bloodstock sales and marketing at Inglis said that there had been a good number of people out inspecting at Riverside with the sale still a week away. 

“We’ve had the first people out here today looking at horses and it was taking the number of people that were here already,” Hutch told Racing & Sports Bloodstock on Tuesday.  

“The appetite to see the stock is strong. The catalogue is a very manageable number, there are 466 lots catalogued and we’ll offer probably somewhere in the region of just over 400 after scratchings, so it’s a very easy for people to work through the catalogue in a relatively relaxed manner compared to some of the larger catalogues when there is genuine pressure to get through as many horses as possible. 

“I think that is something that people enjoy - the opportunity to consider stock carefully. The standard of stock is very high. In many cases these are the best yearlings that people have bred from a foal crop of 14 - 15,000, so is an incredible endorsement that they are here.”

Hutch noted the success of the Inglis Easter Yearling Sale and its place in the global yearling sale market. 

“It’s an incredible endorsement of the confidence that the breeders and owners have in those horses that they are being presented at the best yearling sale in the southern hemisphere. Statistically, it’s one of the best yearling sales in the world. I think the vendors take great confidence in that.” 

Despite ongoing travel restrictions, Hutch said that they have a number of international buyers attending the sale and also a number who are unable to attend but have adapted to working within the new parameters. 

“It’s an endorsement of the market that the buyers perceive the stock and what is being offered at this sale so encouragingly,” he said. “We have representation from international visitors at the sale. 

“There are of course a number of international buyers who won’t be able to attend the sale but, they’re still looking to participate and the fact that they can now, more easily, that’s been something born out of the challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic originally. 

“This has really evolved since then and people have become far more confident in, and far more familiar with (buying at a sale when they are not able to attend).  Whether it’s considering stock through vidoes or using agents or associates in Australia, it’s become much easier for people to do business and that can only be a positive thing.”