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Bashboy Claims Third Grand National

3 minute read

Bashboy has claimed his third successful Grand National Steeplechase (4500m) at Ballarat today for Ciaron Maher in a thrilling finish with Thubiaan.

Bashboy Picture: Racing and Sports

With champion UK jockey Ruby Walsh taking the mount after Steven Pateman was suspended, Bashboy was given a terrific ride throughout and was able to get the better of his rival who stumbled at the final hurdle.

Taking over proceedings at the 2200m after trailing the early leader King Triton, Bashboy was headed by Thubiaan on the turn and the two went clear of the rest of the field to fight it out.

With thubiaan stumbling briefly on the final hurdle and Ruby Walsh becoming unbalanced briefly on Bashboy, Walsh was able to get enough out of the twelve-year-old over the final stages for a tough win with Thubiaan second and No Song No Supper third.

“It was a pleasure to ride such a terrific horse,” said Walsh.

“All credit to Steven Pateman he told me exactly how to ride him, what to do on him and that was very very sporting from him and I can’t be thankful enough.

“He has everything that good horses have, he jumps, is able to travel and he is one hell of a battler.

Trainer Ciaron Maher said it was an unbelievable achievement and terrific ride.

“What this horse has done is unbelievable, with the weight he had and to get up off the floor like he did was terrific,” said Maher.

“Full credit to Ruby he is a star.”