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Newitt Under Pressure After Suspension

3 minute read

A one-meeting suspension incurred at Devonport last Sunday could prevent jockey Craig Newitt from achieving his goal of becoming only the third jockey to ride 100 winners in a season in Tasmania.

Craig Newitt Picture: Racing and Sports

Newitt snared a double on Sunday to take his tally to 92 wins but will have only four meetings to ride the eight winners he requires to reach the century milestone that has only been achieved by two other Tasmanian riders – Bev Buckingham and Brendon McCoull.

Newitt copped the one-meeting ban for overuse of the whip aboard the John Blacker-trained Blackberry Rose, second to Luna Sky in an 1880m event.

He will miss next Sunday's meeting at Devonport and then has only four Sunday meetings at that track before the end of the season on July 31.

"I know it's only eight more wins but the suspension couldn't have come at a worse time in terms of trying to reach the 100 winners for the season," Newitt said.

"I'll just have to hope I can get on the right horses at the remaining four meetings to achieve the goal."

Newitt has won the past two Tasmanian premierships, more than justifying his decision to return to his home state after years of riding in Melbourne.

Newitt leads the premiership by 41 wins with his mounts earning almost $2 million prize money.

The highlight of Newitt's season was his partnership with top stayer Eastender to win the Devonport, Hobart and Launceston Cups.