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RV conscious of COVID racing disruptions

3 minute read

Racing Victoria is conscious of minimising disruptions while at the same time keeping racing going.

Picture: Racing Photos

A fourth Victorian jockey has tested positive to COVID and faces an automatic 10 days out of the saddle. 

The latest COVID positive comes after a group of jockeys were stood down at Caulfield and Geelong on Sunday after attending the funeral of Chris Caserta on December 20 and a function last Thursday. 

The Victorian DHHS later notified those jockeys attending those events they may have come into contact with COVID and required tests. 

Under Government guidelines, any jockey that has a positive test is required to isolate for 10 days while those deemed a close contact are required to isolate for seven days. 

Jamie Stier, Racing Victoria's Executive General Manager, Integrity, said after the drama associated with the standing down of riders on Sunday, the industry has the protocols in place to minimise disruptions. 

He said RV's protocols for conducting race meetings were closely aligned to those of the Victorian Government. 

"We're always considering alternative ways of affecting changes and will continue to do so," Stier told RSN. 

"At the moment the way things are situated we are very closely aligned with the Government's protocols, so it's difficult to step away from those to make things more relaxed. 

"We'll be guided by them, but we will explore any avenues we can to make things as seamless as we are able to for people who are contacts of positives or potential positives to minimise the disruption. 

"We are very conscious of it but at the same time we need to ensure that we have in place appropriate measures and protocols to ensure the safe continuance of racing for all concerned. 

"There's going to be a few bumpy rides along the way, but as we have done over the past two years, we are confident that we will be able to navigate a successful way forward to enable racing to continue."