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Everest eve setback for Lost And Running

3 minute read

Second favourite Lost And Running will need to pass a vet test before he is cleared to run in The Everest.

LOST AND RUNNING. Picture: Steve Hart

One of the leading chances for the race, the gelding has developed a skin complaint on his off-hind fetlock joint with trainer John O'Shea reporting the issue to Racing NSW stewards on Friday afternoon. 

Stewards have ruled that Lost And Running must be examined by Racing NSW chief veterinary officer Dr Peter Curl on Saturday morning before a decision is made on whether he can contest Australia's richest race. 

Earlier on Friday, It's Me was scratched from the $2 million The Kosciuszko after she was ruled to be lame in her near foreleg, an issue the 2020 race winner had been battling all week. 

The Luke Clarke-trained Testator Silens will take It's Me's slot in the field with Winona Costin picking up the ride. 

Testator Silens hasn't raced since finishing midfield in the Country Championships in April and is undefeated in three first-up runs. 

He inherits It's Me's barrier draw and will start from gate 5 with TAB fixed odds marking him as a $31 chance.