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Moody fined for jockey comments

3 minute read

Trainer Peter Moody has been fined on a charge of conduct detrimental to the interests of racing.

Trainer : PETER MOODY.  Picture: Colin Bull / Sportpix

An audio message to the owners of a horse trained by Peter Moody has landed him in hot water following a Racing Victoria stewards' inquiry. 

RV stewards charged Moody with conduct detrimental to the interests of racing after the trainer shared with the owners of Amalgamation comments regarding jockey Blaike Mcdougall via digital platform 'Stable Eyes' after the horse's unplaced run at Cranbourne last Saturday. 

Moody was charged under AR Rule of Racing 228(d) which deals with publishing or posting on any social media platform or channel any material, content or comment that is obscene, offensive, defamatory, racist, threatening, harassing, discriminatory or abusive to or about any other person involved in the racing industry. 

Stewards took into account that Moody had posted his comments via 'Stable Eyes' which was intended for the ownership group only and did not intend for the comments to be posted to any other social media platform or channel. 

After taking evidence from Moody, McDougall and managing owner of Amalgamation, Paul Roach, stewards fined Moody $2000 of which $1000 was fully suspended for 24 months providing the trainer is not found guilty of a similar offence during that period. 

In deciding on penalty, stewards took into account Moody's candid evidence, his apology to McDougall, his public apology on Twitter on November 13 and related precedents. 

Amalgamation has since been transferred to the stables of Ciaron Maher and David Eustace