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LIV poster boy Cam Smith omnipresent in Adelaide

3 minute read

Cam Smith is trying not to be distracted by being LIV Golf's poster boy in Adelaide.

CAMERON SMITH of Australia. Picture: Sam Greenwood/Getty Images

Almost everywhere he looks, Cam Smith sees himself.

On billboards. At the airport. His hotel. The golf course.

There he is: literally the poster boy for LIV Golf's inaugural Australian tournament.

And the mullet-wearing, rugby league loving, meat pie eating boy from Brisbane chuckles at the weirdness of it all.

"We're staying in the city this week and there's definitely a big buzz around," Smith told reporters on Thursday.

"There's lots of signs. You can't walk through the city without knowing what's happening out here this week which I think is great.

"LIV do a really good job around the world with that but I think it has definitely stepped up a little bit this week in Adelaide."

Smith has schmoozed with South Australia's premier and LIV chief Greg Norman; done a meet-and-greet with hundreds of fans at Adelaide's Rundle Mall.

All while trying to tune-up to win a golf tournament at the Grange in Adelaide's seaside western suburbs starting Friday.

Smith captains the LIV team called Ripper GC - an all-Australian team featuring Marc Leishman, Matt Jones and Jed Morgan.

And with Smith's noggin omnipresent around Adelaide, his Aussie mates have no doubt who the star of the show is.

"It's probably harder for us - for me, Jonesy and Jed - because everywhere you look, there's Cam," Leishman said.

Smith arrived in Adelaide after a middling rain-affected US Masters where he tied for 34th.

"Thursday at the Masters, that was basically my only day I had good weather and I only had a couple under," he said.

"From there, I was on the back foot the rest of the tournament.

"I played really good in spaces and not so good in others - it has been a reflection of how my game has been so far this year."

Then, Smith admitted to another dash of weirdness.

"We're perfectionists," he said.

"Golfers are a very weird bunch of people.

"We'll never stop until we get it perfect and I don't think there is a perfect in this game."