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Smith exhausted after week-long Cam-fest at LIV Golf

3 minute read

Star attraction Cam Smith is thankful but exhausted after LIV Golf's first Australian tournament in Adelaide.

CAMERON SMITH of Australia. Picture: Sam Greenwood/Getty Images

Cam Smith is exhausted.

LIV Golf's inaugural Australian tournament has been a week-long Cam-fest.

"It was a big week to get through with lots of commitments and the fans," Smith said after finishing fourth at the Grange in Adelaide's west.

"It's so cool to have those people behind you.

"But it's also really draining as well, having the ovations on every green and tee.

"It was an epic week but a very tiring week."

Smith was feted every step by sell-out crowds at a tournament which he says sets a fresh benchmark for LIV.

In addition to South Australia's further four years, the stunning success could help Australia land another LIV tournament in 2024, with Smith's native Queensland a reported frontrunner.

"It has been spoken about for a few months now," he said.

"I am not sure how far along we are. I really stay out of those conversations to be honest.

"It would be so cool. Part of my reason to play was to have an event here and if we got two, that would make so much difference."

Smith posted rounds of 69, 66 and 66 at the Grange, two weeks after being somewhat deflated by his tied 34 finish at the US Masters.

"I did a really good job of actually just playing golf with all the outside noise," he said.

"There was a lot of good on the golf course, there was a lot of putts that could have gone in ... I had so many missed opportunities.

"Usually that leads to frustrating weeks where you end up down the leaderboard but it makes you stay on top of it and play some really high-quality golf."